Hey all! Want a cheap car wash near me? Just a quick tip for those of us who are renters or apartment dwellers with no access to a hose-bib (the spickette where you attach a hose and turn on the water).
I got so tired of my car and my mom’s car looking so dirty and grungy! We live in apartments and there is no place to wash your car. I can kind of understand since they do pay for the water, but I know a perpetually dirty car covered in road grime can eventually cause damage to the paint, and then the body. So here’s what you do…..
Forecast for Rain!
Pick a day when the forecast says it will be raining and you’ll be at home.
Next thing to do when that day comes is to go get your mop and bucket! Yep, You heard me right!
Put water in your bucket and a small amount of soap. Don’t put too much soap as that would require a LOT of rain (and maybe some rubbing) to get the soap off. Just add enough for a small amount of bubbles.
Mop That Car!
Now put on rain gear and get to mopping your car! I start at the top (roof) and work down. I also skip the windows to try to avoid crating window film since my car has a lot of oxidation. (It’s old!)
Make sure it’s REALLY RAINING. My first time trying this didn’t turn out so well because it stopped raining just as I’d mopped my car with soapy water. 🙄😫 I ended up having to carry pitcher after pitcher of water outside to hand-rinse the car.
And there you have it! A cheap car wash near me! Clean car without a hose! 😁🚗
*CAUTION!!!!!! Do NOT do this if there is any lightning at all!!! Just make sure it’s ONLY RAINING, completely without lightning and thunder! Be safe and have fun! 🙂
Ha, ha! Love this! Yep! I like to take clean, soft rags out when my car is wet and just wipe it down and throw away the old dirty rags. That works pretty well, too, but not as thoroughly as this idea. Cool! Thanks! 😄