Sometimes giving thanks and maintaining an “attitude of gratitude” can be a challenge, but just because something is challenging does not mean it is not worthy of our effort.
Ever notice how sometimes, even in the midst of a blessing, we can battle feelings and thoughts (aka temptations) that try to ambush and sabotage the blessing of the moment? Yesterday was one of those times…
I have to admit, although we were blessed abundantly yesterday, still the day was also a little bit of a challenge.
Whenever it rains, our home has noxious sewage fumes that fill the place. Our landlords have tried several times to find the cause, checking everything possible, pumping out the septic, changing the wax ring, checking p-traps and pipes and vents, but come the next rain, it happens again. Then, of course, the rain prevents further investigation until there’s been some time for everything to dry out…or at least absorb…and the rainy season is now upon us. Sigh.
Not being a millionaire, or even someone who has plenty of extra for surprise events, the obvious immediate concern that arises is having a place to stay until the fumes pass (and/or the issue is ultimately resolved) that is not going to “break the bank”.
We have been so blessed with wonderful CHRISTian landlords who have allowed us to stay in their home during these times of being displaced.
One such time has been Thanksgiving break.
The Rain Begins…
The rains began again on the last day of school before Thanksgiving break. Once again we loaded up the van, knowing (by looking at the forecast) that we wouldn’t be able to be at home for the next several days…virtually all of Thanksgiving break. But it’s ok, God is good.
We knew our usual refuge, our landlords, had family coming in from out of town, but we still hoped somehow they could help. It looked unsure for a while but, bless their hearts, they did some juggling and difficult plan-changing, and we were once again able to take refuge in their home. We are so grateful for this selfless act on our behalf. Now we could all breathe.
Thanksgiving Plan A…
But what about Thanksgiving?
We hadn’t been invited to join anyone for Thanksgiving, so I had planned to cook a small feast just for our tiny family: small turkey, my yummy stuffing, sweet potatoes with marshmallows and brown sugar and butter, homemade unsweetened cranberry/blueberry sauce, corn, green beans, a snack tray with little Gerkins and black olives (for finger tips, don’t ya know 🤣) and other snack veggies. My little one had planned that we would make a blueberry pie together 😁. However, we now found ourselves displaced…and blessed, but just in a way not according to our “plan”.
Time to Adjust the “Plan”…
Ok. Although we were graciously told by our landlords to make ourselves at home in their home while they would be gone for the next several days, I had some hurdles in myself to clear. I just felt awkward not knowing where all the kitchen stuff was and whether or not what I would need was there. I didn’t have my own cookware and utensils. I knew the refrigerator space was limited for any pre-cook supplies and any leftovers. (You know, all the things you start to realize when beginning the preparation.) I had to adjust. Ok. So…Scratch Plan A.
Enter Plan B…
We revised to Plan B and headed to Walmart. The idea of TV dinners was suggested. Ok, TV dinners is a great concept, but I usually don’t buy or eat them because they’ve become so heavily laden with chemicals, preservatives, TBHQ, BHT, MSG, caramel coloring, etc…not to mention that many of them have a plastic coating on their prep tray that melts into the food to “brown” it, AND they often must be cooked in a radiation-causing, nutrient-killing, microwave. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 Ok. I tell myself, “I’ll look for the ‘healthiest’ ones I can find, pray God protects the nutrients while they get zapped, and give the microwave a wide berth while they cook.”
One up-side that was pointed out was that we could pick what we wanted if we didn’t want to eat turkey and fixings. What??? No turkey and fixings?? I digressed for a moment, but then remembered to breathe, and recovered as I reminded myself to be thankful. 🙂
Altered Menu…
After searching labels to choose the lesser of evils, we came home with turkey pot pie (yes, I had to have some form of turkey), ravioli, chicken strips, and chicken teriyaki dinners, and mini-desserts, each to their liking. Ok. Not at all according to Plan A, but hey, Plan A is history so on with Plan B!
I had been determined to have some kind of real food despite our temporary relocation so I had brought a bag of potatoes over with our luggage. My little one requested fried potatoes (instead of mashed) so, with another little plan adjustment, I set my mind to prepare and fry potatoes…in a kitchen that was very foreign to me. Even in the midst of the blessing of this lovely home, I was again feeling the stress of being displaced while trying to find a skillet, oil and a spatula, but I chose to turn off the temptation to feel frustrated, and chose instead to just thank God.
The other members of my family were preparing the TV dinners in the microwave while I prepared and fried the potatoes, which created another challenge: the microwave is over the stove I was using to fry the potatoes.
The Fry and Zap Dance…
Remember my resolve to give the microwave a wide berth while zapping the food whose nutrients I’ve prayed God would preserve and protect? It was like a fry and zap dance that had to be done in perfect timing: place oil in skillet and heat…step back and zap…when microwave timer rings, step forward and add potatoes to the hot skillet…step back and zap…when microwave timer rings, step forward and flip potatoes in skillet…step back and zap..etc. (You get the picture.) 🤣 It was a scene that would’ve been funny on a sitcom, but a little bit of a challenge in real life with real food and without the laugh-tracks. Yet I reminded myself to choose to be thankful to God, and I am.
Our Thanksgiving was anything but traditional. So what? So it wasn’t according to our “plan”. Big deal. So we had to temporarily relocate. It’s ok!
Some Things are Better Left Unwrapped…
Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our plans going off without a hitch, exactly the way we expect them to be, that we can easily get a flood rushing in of negative emotions and feelings that try to wash away the feelings of gratefulness, thankfulness, and blessing. That’s when we’ve got to choose to drop that gate and stop those flood waters, even if we have to pile sandbags of gratefulness one bag at a time to ensure the gate and levies hold.
Thankful and Blessed…
We were warm, dry, and graced with a place to be. We were not homeless.
We had food. It may not have been the food I’d planned, but we had food and it turned out just fine.
We have a vehicle that works and can be packed and unpacked when we have to move around. Some people don’t.
We weren’t alone. We had each other…and most importantly, we have GOD.
Sometimes, we as human beings have to remind ourselves to count our God-given God-authored blessings, and sometimes we have to be intentional about finding, seeing and recognizing them for what they are when they may be completely different from what we assumed or expected them to be.
Infect or Affect…
Negativity can rub off on others, especially our family members, and our kids are most susceptible. I don’t want to infect. I want to affect…by setting an example of right choices and right attitudes.
There is a peace that comes from having an attitude of gratitude and being thankful….not just blanketly thankful, but intentionally thankful to the One who created us, God, from whom ALL blessings flow.
Be flexible.
Be intentional.
Be thankful.
Because…Almighty God is good.
Sounds like quite a day!