Today, many observe what is known as “Good Friday”. This is a day people choose to pay special tribute to an event that happened more than 2000 years ago: Jesus Christ of Nazarene was crucified on Galgatha Hill.

Jesus…Fact or Fiction
Some people choose to believe Jesus never existed. They choose instead to believe he is just some fairy-tale crutch for feeble-minded people to prop themselves up on. Yet hundreds of respected historic documents attest to the fact that he did indeed exist.
But for the sake of keeping this post brief, I am writing from the perspective that the Bible is true and the account of His death, as witnessed by many, is accurate and did actually occur just as it is written.
The Sun was Obscured
Tonight, I and my family were reading the account in the Bible. In the Book of Luke chapter 23 verses 44-47 a phrase popped out at me…
“It was now about the sixth hour, and darkness fell over the whole land until the ninth hour, because the sun was obscured…”
I have read this passage probably thousands of times by this point in my life. Yet these words just seemed to grab my attention. The sun was “obscured”. That’s an interesting way to say it became dark. Obscured…by what? What came between those who were witnessing the nearing death of Jesus and the sun?
As I thought about it and asked the others there also, one possibility seems most likely (to me at least). Now before I say, I want to place a disclosure statement: What I’m about to share is not proven, not prophetic, not documented (that I know of). I’m not a great theologian to whom all mysteries are solved and all things are known. But could the idea I had actually be what obscured the sun?
Rewind to the Purpose…
Jesus came to provide a way of reconciliation between fallen man (humans who chose to live in ways displeasing to the God who created them) and God. He came to create a pathway for us to be restored into a pure and right relationship with our Creator. In order for that to take place, the Bible says that He had to take the sins of the world on His shoulders when He died on the cross.
You see, life is in the blood. No human can live without blood. It is impossible. Yet sin brings death, both spiritually and often physically (through disease and sickness). Sometimes the illness is caused by the spiritual state of a person. Other times it can be caused by the physical state of the person.
Regardless, death, disease and sickness didn’t originally exist until sin was chosen and entered the world of humanity. Jesus, being God yet also human, was the only one who had blood that had life in it that was pure enough and powerful enough to eradicate the death (in any and all forms) that sin causes. No human could do with their blood, what God’s own blood could do.
Anyway, back to the sun being obscured…
What was it that caused the darkness? What got between the massive ever-burning ball of fire we call the sun and the earth? Yes, perhaps it was an eclipse of some kind. But lets see if I can paint the picture I saw in my mind well enough so that you can envision it, too.
The Swarm
Jesus is near the end of His life when the darkness occurs. What must He do to provide reconciliation and restoration for all of mankind? Take the sins of all mankind, from the beginning of time to the end of time, upon His shoulders.
Sin is darkness.
Can you imagine the amount of darkness that came from every corner of the earth for all time?
In my imagining, it was the largest, thickest, most massive swarm of black locusts ever witnessed before or since. This swarm exceeded time and space, being drawn to Him as He hung on the cross. It was not drawn to attack, but drawn as though He was the most powerful magnet ever, pulling like a huge suction, every piece and fragment of sin that ever existed, then, before, and future.
The Pulse Eradicator
And when He said “It is finished” and commended His spirit to the Father, there was an immediate response. Suddenly, it was like a vaporizing pulse radiated out from Him. This pulse wiped out every single microscopic speck of human sin that ever was or will be.
This pulse was so powerful that the veil in the temple (which was several feet thick of woven wool) was torn from the TOP to the bottom! So powerful that the earth shook and rocks split! So powerful that tombs were opened and people who had been dead were seen alive and well walking the streets!
Science fiction movies may have pulse weapons, and perhaps our own military does, too. But nothing will ever be built by us that can ever even come close to that type of pulse!
Today May Seem Dark…
I know we’re going through a lot right now and it seems like a pretty dark time to many.
But you know what?
Sunday is coming!
Is the Darkness Gone Forever?
Before I wrap this up, let me make something clear: Jesus wiped out the death that sin’s darkness can cause, but did not make sin non-existent.
As humans, we have freewill. Sadly, freewill is sometimes used to create some of that darkness that He called to Himself that day.
His selfless act provided forgiveness for what we may do today, but the forgiveness does not belong to us until we repent and ask for it.
His gift of forgiveness also does not mean we can do wickedly and be spared all repercussions, both here and for eternity.
What His gift DOES mean is that we can have forgiveness and a clean slate when we mess up, IF we humbly repent (turned away from what we did and go in the opposite direction of it) and ask His forgiveness. He is willing to be Lord to anyone willing to accept Him as such.
In Closing…
Lets do all we can to make sure that nothing, now or later, ever obscures God’s light from our life, that nothing ever comes between us and our Creator. He went through so much to come and provide a way for us to be restored to Him. Lets make sure His suffering and sacrifice was not done in vain.
It may be dark now…but Sunday is coming, and Jesus will return for those who have chosen Him as Lord.
Happy Resurrection Day!
Wow! I like that description! Thank you! I’d never seen it quite like that. That’s why God made us all different: so we can share His realizations with each other. Praise the Lord! And God bless you, KiKee!
I meant our realizations from Him! 😁