Well, we’re all going through it…the “PANDEMIC” of COVID-19.
I often find myself wanting to GO someplace to get away from it, but there’s no place to go. It’s EVERYWHERE!
That can cause us to feel:
- panic
- depression
- claustrophobic
- frustrated
- angry
- lost in a conspiracy mindset
- hopeless
- lonely
- grief
- and so many other emotions. (I’m sure you could add many more.)
But there IS hope!
Just because we’re alive and breathing does NOT mean we will get sick.
It just means we must take precautions:
- wash hands with soap and warm water
- avoid touching your face until after washing hands well
- stay at least six feet away from people (but you can still wave and say hi)
- stay at home whenever possible and only go out when unavoidable (work, food, medical, gasoline, and the like)
- keep active AT HOME (do aerobics calisthenics, or weight lifting, or dancing indoors or outdoors; bike ride; play tennis; anything that you can do without closely interacting with anyone)
- keep your immune system healthy by: avoiding sweets, staying hydrated, eating greens and fruits
Just because we may get infected does NOT mean we will die. What mainstream media seems to leave out of their coverage is that MANY RECOVER.
How to Bridge the Gap Left by Social Distancing…
Make use of technology and stay in touch by calls, texts, and video messaging as well as video calls. It’s a great way to let people know you’re ok and ask how they are. When using video or photos, you can see each other’s faces and hear each other’s voices without crossing the invisible safety barrier.
The best advise I can give is to be wise, be proactive, be healthy, take precautions…and pray.
Need Peace in the Midst of Your Storm?
There is a great comfort and peace with placing the situation in the ever capable hands of the Almighty, especially when I’ve taken the steps necessary to make sure I’m in right-standing with Him.
Sometimes, even in the midst of His will, things happen that seem to us to be horrible. That’s when I have to remind myself that He sees the BIG picture. I’m stuck in only one corner of it.
When each one of us were born, whether we want to hear and believe it or not, it was and remains God’s desire for each of us to be in eternity with Him when our earthly life has run its course. Yet even though that’s His heart’s desire, we choose.
It’s my prayer that everyone who reads this blog will be safe from this illness. Yet it is also my prayer that if anyone who reads this does end up being infected, that they will join with the One.
Although healing isn’t always the guaranteed outcome, our eternity is guaranteed by what we choose in our final moments, whether those final moment are today, or 50 years from now. Will our eternity be Heaven with Jesus Christ Himself, who loves us more than we can ever imagine? Or the place called hell that was created for Satan and his fellow rebellious angels called demons because we have chosen to embed choices into our soul that repel us from God’s presence? It’s our choice.
But for now, take heart! Do what you can and allow Jesus to be Lord of your life so that you will have peace in the storm.
Remember, Peter walked on water as long as he kept his eyes and focus on Jesus and not the storm.
Amen! Well said! And this is a great time for families to communicate and bond with each other. God is good! We must look to God and not be discouraged by what we see and hear. 😇