I know this subject is often touchy and many will argue for and against it, even in the CHRISTian community. Yet there are components of Halloween that we must understand, and which denial won’t change. Here’s some historical evidence to consider:
Halloween Origins and Practices Linked to Today
Historically, October 31 marked the end of the Celtic year and is a day believed to allow the dead to cross over into the realm of the living. Masks and costumes would be worn in an attempt to trick the evil spirits into thinking they were a fellow demon or just a non-threatening animal. People would place “treats” of fruits, sweets, and nuts outside their doors to gain favor or appease those spirits bent on causing harm. Vegetables such as turnips (and eventually pumpkins) would be carved with frightening faces on them to ward off the spirits. Some like the Druids would perform sacrifices, often of babies or children. Those who practiced forms of divination (the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means other than from God) would ask Satan to bless their activities.
Pope Gregory IV in 837AD established “All Hallows Eve” in an attempt to eliminate Halloween and there practices associated with it, but it failed to be successful.
To this day, Satanic worshippers observe October 31 as their high day of worship and still sacrifice babies, children, adults, and animals during their celebrations. Women are designated as breeders to produce babies for these events.
The information above was taken from sources such as The History Channel Halloween Ancient Origins and Wiccan Ways by Ron Orozco.
When I was a young kid, I remember going to a place in the woods that was known for its natural beauty and all set up for tourists. It had a big restaurant and gift shop, and cleared paths and trails for people to explore. The fall colors were absolutely beautiful. It was right around Halloween and the waitress nicely warned my parents to be sure to keep track of everyone and to be well outside of the woods before dark. We told her we would but then asked why. She got very quiet and said people disappear in the woods and no one ever sees them again, especially around this time of year, and especially little ones and pets. 😮 She said police will search but are never able to find anything more than a piece of clothing or a collar. Then she cheerfully said she didn’t mean to scare us but it’s just important to remember. Well, you better believe we didn’t explore much and we left while the sun was nowhere near ready to set. The point is…these things still happen. It’s not just in the movies. It actually happens.
Am I Totally Against Celebrating Halloween and Incorporating Traditional Activities into October 31?
When I was younger, I would’ve said no. I was raised up dressing up for that night every year. One year I was Casper the ghost. Another year I dressed up rather ghoulishly, kinda like Lily Munster. We just thought of it as fun back then. My parents were Christians. My brother and I were Christians. We just didn’t realize the deep dark history of the day and the connections to it, nor did we realize the connection of the costumes and treats, nor did we understand that children of God should not dress up as figures of the world apart from God. We just didn’t get it.
So today, with a more matured Christian perspective, my answer would have to be yes. I am totally against participating in “Halloween” events on October 31 that have the same practices, even if under a church or fall label. (And as I write this, it comes to mind that even the fake pumpkins we carved with Christian symbols should not be on our front porch. I’ll be back in a minute…)
Personally, I’m ok with Fall or Harvest celebrations, even if they have the fun of costumes, as long as the costumes are God-honoring (Biblical characters or even fictional characters that are truly good, animals, creation, even things we’ve created that arent bad like a lamp or cupcake, etc.), and as long as it is not on October 31.
I’m also ok with churches doing outreaches that are completely focused on spreading the Bible and Gospel message of Christ. One church in our area this year is doing just that. They are participating in a local Halloween pastime “Trunk or Treat” (which I guess is a southern thing since it doesn’t exist where I came from in CA), but the pastor has taken the stand to have the story of each trunk be one of the Bible, and each proceeding trunk leads to the story of Christ and the message of salvation, ending with the reality of the fact that we must choose and that choice determines where we eternally end up. So although the church “trunk” people will likely be dressing up, the purpose isn’t to celebrate Halloween but to tell people about God and what Jesus did for us. I believe this type of activity counters the dark traditions and still active rituals of the night, and hopefully claims some ground for Christ.
What Would Jesus Do?
WWJD is the best way to decide. Would Jesus celebrate Halloween? Would He tell us to follow the traditions of the Celtics, Druids, and Satan worshippers by dressing up in costume, circulating treats, and carving pumpkins, and say “as long as we tell ourselves we’re just having fun and don’t believe all that stuff” that He is pleased? Would He tell us to lead our children into these associated practices?
Something to Consider:
In Luke 17:1-3a, Jesus says, “It is impossible that no offenses (cause of displeasure or sin) should come, but woe to him through whom they do come! It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should offend (entrap, trip up or entice to sin, apostasy, or displeasure) one of these little ones. Take heed to yourselves.”
Thank you, KiKee! Excellent points! No Halloween for me, either! I personally think we should pray and worship the Lord that night, singing songs of praise and worship. 😇
Excellent points! I think I’ll just praise and worship God that day! Thank you! 😇