This is a really easy coleslaw and tastes great (without having to drive-through somewhere to get some)!
And when you make it yourself, you know what’s in it and how it’s been prepared. (That’s always a big plus in my book!)
OK, let’s just jump right in.
- Food Processor
- Large Bowl
- Paring Knife
- Large Rubber Spatula or Large Spoon (optional)
(always buy organic whenever possible for best taste, most nutrients and least toxicity)
- One Head of Cabbage
- One Eighth to One Quarter of an Onion (I prefer red but yellow is fine)
- Two Carrots
- One Cup of Mayonnaise
- One Quarter Cup of Apple Cider Vinegar
- One Quarter Cup and Two Tablespoons Sugar
On the cabbage head, cut out the core and remove usually about three outer leaves from the cabbage (until the outer leaves that remain on the head of cabbage look clean and relatively undamaged). Cut the cabbage in wedges. Continue to cut the wedges in half until they are about one to two inch wedges (so that they can be processed more easily). Set aside.
Rub the carrots off very well under running water. I like to leave the skins on for more nutritional value and flavor but you can peel them if you prefer. Cut off each end on each carrot, then cut each carrot into length of about one to two inches. Set aside.
For the onion, you don’t want a LOT of onion flavor because you don’t want the onion to overpower the other components’ flavors. A nice blend of flavors is what we’re looking for. So you will use only about a quarter of a small to medium onion, removing the outer skin and about the first one to two layers (so the tough layers are gone). Cut the quarter into about four pieces and set aside.
In a food processor, chop up the cabbage and onion until finely chopped. Place in a large mixing bowl. Do the same thing with the carrot and add to cabbage in large bowl. Add the mayo, ACV, and sugar to the cabbage, onion, and carrot.
Mix it all together with a spatula or your hands until well combined.
Voila!!! Yummy easy coleslaw!!
NOTE: It’s best if you prepare it ahead of time so that it can all marinate in its own juices until mealtime…or even until the next day.
Bon appetite! Enjoy!
Delicious! Thank you! 😋