I am so excited (and a little stunned) to announce that my ”script novel” Pony Run has just been published and released for purchase!!!
Long Time Coming!
This has been a long, I mean LOOOOOOOOONG time coming!
Years ago I began writing Pony Run. Life happened, and kept happening (blessings, challenges, obstacles, the whole mix). One thing after another. Then I got married and we ran our own business and had our beautiful blessing (in the form of a baby), and time for my writing and most other creative things just didn’t exist…for YEARS!
(I’ve always thought it’s funny when people say ”You’ve got to make time” for this or that. Only God can ”make” time. The rest of us have to take time from one thing to give it to something else, which means the first thing gets less time, which is sometimes just not possible.)
Just Doing What Has to Be Done
Anyway, have you ever felt like you were created to do something but were never able to do it?
That’s been me most of my life. Many things I have been able to do, and for those times I’m grateful, but most of my creative side has been shut up and put on an eternal back-burner while I chose to be responsible and do the common sense things. Afterall, obeying God can be a scary thing when it requires huge leaps of faith, taking time from common sense tasks to do what most think is crazy and illogical.
Leap Already!
Thanks to the encouragement of many (especially my Little Blessing and my mom), about a year ago, I just decided to take the leap and began publishing my stories. I started with some of my children’s stories that I had made up for my Little Blessing, and have just taken one of my screenplay feature film scripts I had written and published it as my first “script novel”.
My mom just got her copy and its honestly surreal to look at an actual 200 page novel that I wrote! (The photo doesn’t show the thickness.) I had considered making books before but it was far too expensive for me. Now that there are “free”* platforms, I can finally get them published…as I am able to figure out ways to take the time to do it….and it feels good.
Currently Available
Right now I have five books available on Amazon (Esther: The Girl Who Became Queen, The Rock in the Cave, 10+2 and What’s New?, Creation Poem, and now Pony Run). They are available digitally as ebooks as well as paperback. Hardbacks and audiobooks will be coming later. (Some have requested I place them on other platforms from which to buy, and I hope to do that in the near future.)
I never realized how much time it takes to publish a book: proofreading over and over (to catch all of them…and probably still miss some), formatting, illustrating (yes I have done all my own illustrations too!), and then the publishing steps, and correcting any errors that may arise!
Help Me Spread the Word!
Please check out my books!!! I like to call them a ”Safe Haven” collection of stories because my intent is to keep them wholesome and family-friendly.
Ultimately, my goal is to create an income while being creative that allows me to be a stay-at-home mom who is able to remain readily attentive and available to continue to homeschool and assist my family members as needed. Every purchase, every positive review, every share on social media and to friends and family boosts my reputation and my books’ salability, so please like, share, buy, positively review and comment, and get the word out! Thank you!!!
Click this link to purchase: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09XH2CKZ6?searchxofy=true&binding=kindle_edition&qid=1650090179&sr=1-1
(*”free” just means you don’t have to pay upfront, but rather you pay as you go. For instance, a book price of $12 gives the author just about $4 in royalties. So when I sell a book, I receive only about one third of the purchase price and the other two thirds goes to pay the publisher. In other words, I’d have to sell three books to receive the amount paid by the buyer for just one. Shocking, huh?)
I have purchased and read all of your books. The children’s books are great, and now I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading “Pony Run”! It’s very entertaining, like watching a good movie, while getting the message of our precious Lord across well! I can’t wait to see if someone will make a movie out of it! Very enjoyable! Thank you so much! Please keep writing! May God bless you!