The Rock in the Cave, in KiKee’s Safe Haven collection of books Identity Series, is a story that aides in recognizing the intrinsic value each one of us has been given. Often, we judge ourselves by impossible standards. Or we judge ourselves by what others may, intentionally or unintentionally, say or do that is hurtful.
It is imperative to remember that our value is not determined by the opinion of others. Our value is immeasurable and unchangeable.
This book helps us all, young and older, see our amazing value and worth in the whole scheme of things.
So whether you have snuggle time with your kiddos to read a story with them, or you need a pick me up for the child inside of you, I pray you enjoy the adventure and are reminded that you are indeed special. 😁
Available now in digital and by June 13, 2021, in paperback format! (Audio format is coming soon.)
Excellent teaching for anyone, not only children! 😀
Thank you. It helped me to see the value in myself. I may no longer be a child, but I’m a child of God, and I need all the help I can get! 😊