I noticed this tree the other day, with all of its bare branches and abandoned nests, and something about it just struck me.
Spring time…
In the spring, birds obviously feel safe in its branches covered lushly with green leaves, creating a feeling of safety, coziness, protection.
Then Winter…
Then winter comes, the leaves fall, exposing the nests that once felt safe, leaving them now completely vulnerable. And I thought about us…you, me, all us humans.
We, Like Birds…
How many of us, like these birds, make our homes in what we hope to be a safe place. We do our best to make it secure and solidly put together to withstand storms that may come our way, and for a while they’re good. We feel at least somewhat protected.
Seasons Change…
Then something happens. A type of winter falls upon us, some kind of hardship whether physical, relational, mental, or spiritual, and we are left feeling exposed, vulnerable, as though we are no longer protected from the elements and storms. Our heads may feel like they’re spinning as we stand there stunned like a deer in headlights. (Oops, I’m mixing my metaphors, but you know what I mean.) We don’t know where to go, like a bird without a nest to call home.
My Home…
That’s when I have to remind myself: my home is not in where I am or who I’m with or who’s with me, but WHO is my home. No matter where I am or what has happened, no matter what someone has done to me or my loved ones, no matter what catastrophe has fallen upon me or who has broken my heart, my HOME and my refuge is in the Lord Jesus Christ. HE LOVES ME.
God’s Reassuring Promise…
The Bible records for us the reassurance of God toward His children. His children are those who choose continually to follow Him and have Him as the Lord or their life, the Lord whom they obey and serve. He says “I will never leave you nor forsake you”. That’s His promise.
Where Did God Go?
So when you feel like God is so far away and wonder why He’s left you as you quote and question the promise He made in scripture, pause and survey where you are. Then ask yourself, who moved? God said He’d never leave, so, again…who moved?
Can we leave Him? Yep. And often, that’s when things begin to fall apart. Without His protection, gained by our obedient submission, we fall prey to the seasons and storms of this life.
Yet sometimes the safety of OUR “nest” can be affected not by our choosing badly. Sometimes we choose Christ but someone else does not, and we get caught up in the aftermath. But God can still be in control…if we let Him work.
Finding Our Way Back Home…
When the darkness seems to be closing in and takes away your sight, Take hold of His hand, grab onto His arm and hang on tight, as in His infinite mercy and wisdom He will guide you through the night.
I have to remind myself to surrender, submit, accept His lordship. Allow Him to lead. Choose to follow and obey. And no matter how dark it may seem, or how suddenly vulnerable and exposed I may feel, He WILL guide me through the night and into the Light. And He can do that same for you. Ask Him. You’ll see.
I find that if I just get on my knees and stay awhile in God’s presence, thanking God and loving Him, my whole outlook brightens and I see things in a whole new light. God is so good!